General Bibliography for Temples of the Classical World

Iannelli, N., by. 2020. “La fondazione dei templi della Magna Grecia dedicati a Hera. L’orientamento verso la stella spica all’equinozio d’autunno.” .
Schnapp-Gourbeillon, A., by. 1998. “Du mégaron aux premiers temples? Un état des lieux.” Ktèma 23 (1):289–300.
Corbett, P.E., by. 1970. “Greek Temples and Greek Worshippers: The Literary and Archaeological Evidence.” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (17):149–58.
Holmes, A.M., by. 1995. “Regional Variations of Early Archaic Greek Doric Temples in the Peloponnese, c. 675-550 BC.” Ph. D., King’s College.
Edlund-Berry, I., by. 2008. “The Language of Etrusco-Italic Architecture: New Perspectives on Tuscan Temples.” American Journal of Archaeology 112 (3):441–7.
Barletta, B.A., by. 1990. “An ‘Ionian Sea’ Style in Archaic Doric Architecture.” American Journal of Archaeology 94 (1):45–72.
Hussey, G.B., by. 1890. “The Distribution of Hellenic Temples.” The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 6 (1/2):59–64.
Winter, F.E., by. 1991. “Early Doric Temples in Arkadia.” Echos Du Monde Classique: Classical News and Views 35 (2):193–220.
Winter, F.E., by. 1976. “Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design I: Western Greek Temples.” American Journal of Archaeology 80 (2):139–45.
Winter, F.E., by. 1978. “Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design II: Archaic and Classical Doric East of the Adriatic.” American Journal of Archaeology 82 (2):151–61.
Lobüscher, T., by. 2002. Tempel- und Theaterbau in den Tres Galliae und den germanischen Provinzen: ausgewählte Aspekte. Kölner Studien zur Archäologie der römischen Provinzen Bd. 6. Rahden/Westf: Leidorf.
Morgan, C., by. 2024. “Adding Buildings to Early Iron Age Sanctuaries. The Materiality of Built Space.” In The Stuff of the Gods. The Material Aspects of Religion in Ancient Greece, edited by Matthew Haysom, Maria Mili, and Jenny Wallensten, 59:149–66. 1st ed. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°. Stockholm: Swedish Institute at Athens. doi:10.30549/actaath-4-59.
De Benedittis, G., by. 2010. “L’orientamento astronomico dei templi sannitici.” In First Meeting on Cultural Astronomy, Campobasso, May 21st 2010, edited by E. Badolati, 103–13. Naples: Loffredo Editore.
Moutsiakis, P., and D. Kaimaris, by. 2023. “Ancient Temples in Greece and the Contribution of Geoinformatics to the Determination of Their General Setting Characteristics.” (July 10).
Patay-Horváth, A., by. 2023. “Doric Temples in Southern Arcadia – Who Built Them and Why?” In Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Sessions 6–8, Single Contributions, edited by Martin Bentz and Michael Heinzelmann, 161–70. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology 55. Heidelberg: Propylaeum. doi:10.11588/PROPYLAEUM.1035.
Gruben, G., M. Hirmer, and A. Hirmer, by. 2001. Griechische Tempel und Heiligtümer. 5th ed. München: Hirmer.
Berve, H., G. Gruben, and M. Hirmer, by. 1961. Griechische Tempel und Heiligtümer. München: Hirmer Verlag.
Osborne, R., by. 2009. “The Narratology and Theology of Architectural Sculpture, or: What You Can Do with a Chariot but Can’t Do with a Satyr on a Greek Temple.” In Structure, Image, Ornament: Architectural Sculpture in the Greek World: Proceedings of an International Conference Held at the American School of Classical Studies, 27-28 November 2004, edited by Peter Schultz and Ralf von den Hoff, 2–12. Oxford : Oakville, CT: Oxbow Books ; Distributed in the USA by David Brown.
Cook, R.M., by. 1970. “The Archetypal Doric Temple.” The Annual of the British School at Athens 65:17–9.
Miles, M.M., by. 2016. “Birds around the Temple: Constructing a Sacred Environment.” In Valuing Landscape in Classical Antiquity: Natural Environment and Cultural Imagination, edited by Jeremy McInerney and Ineke Sluiter, 151–95. Mnemosyne Supplements: Monographs on Greek and Latin language and literature 393. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
Lewis, S., by. 2010. “Images of Craft on Athenian Pottery: Context and Interpretation.” Bollettino di archeologia on line 1:12–26.
Mazarakis Ainian, A., by. 1997. From Rulers’ Dwellings to Temples: Architecture, Religion and Society in Early Iron Age Greece (1100-700 B.C.). Jonsered: P. Åströms förlag.
Glinister, F., by. 1997. “What Is a Sanctuary?” Cahiers Du Centre Gustave Glotz 8 (1):61–80.
Bina, T., by. 2010. “La place des temples gallo-romains dans l’espace urbain.” Bollettino di archeologia on line 1:33–8.
Pavolini, C., by. 2010. “I culti orientali sul Celio: acquisizioni e ipotesi recenti.” Bollettino di archeologia on line 1:1–9.
Marconi, C., by. 2016. “The Greek West: Temples and Their Decoration.” In A Companion to Greek Architecture, edited by Margaret M. Miles, 75–91. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. doi:10.1002/9781118327586.
Colonna, G., by. 2006. “Sacred Architecture and the Religion of the Etruscans.” In The Religion of the Etruscans, edited by Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Erika Simon, 132–68. University of Texas Press.
Barresi, P., by. 1990. “Schemi geometrici nei templi dell’italia centrale.” Archeologia classica 42:251–85.
Cagiano de Azevedo, M., by. 1940. “Atti della pontificia accademia romana di archeologia.” In I capitolia dell’impero romano, 5:1–76. Memorie. Roma: Tipografia poliglotta vaticana.
Stambaugh, J.E., by. 1978. “The Functions of Roman Temples.” Ed. Wolfgang Haase. Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II.16.1:554–608.
La Rocca, E., by. 2011. “La forza della tradizione: l’architettura sacra a Roma tra II e I secolo a.C.” In Tradizione e innovazione: l’elaborazione del linguaggio ellenistico nell’architettura romana e italica di età tardo-repubblicana, edited by Eugenio La Rocca, 1–24. Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider.
Liritzis, I., and H. Vassiliou, by. 2006. “Were Greek Temples Oriented towards Aurorae?” Astronomy and Geophysics 47 (1):1.14-1.18.
Mazarakis Ainian, A., by. 2016. “Early Greek Temples.” In A Companion to Greek Architecture, edited by Margaret M. Miles, 15–30. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. doi:10.1002/9781118327586.ch2.
Belelli Marchesini, B., by. 1997. “Tempio: Etruria.” In Enciclopedia dell’arte antica, classica e orientale, secondo supplemento, edited by Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli, 628–38. 5. Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana.
Jordan, H., by. 1879. “Über die Ausdrücke aedes templum fanum delubrum.” Hermes 14 (4):567–83.
Karlowa, O., by. 1896. Intra pomerium und extra pomerium. Ein Beitrag zum römisches Staatsrecht. Heidelberg: Gustav Köster.
Castagnoli, F., by. 1984. “Il tempio romano: questioni di terminologia e di tipologia.” Papers of the British School at Rome 52:3–20.
Wilson Jones, M., by. 2014. Origins of Classical Architecture: Temples, Orders and Gifts to the Gods in Ancient Greece. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Maschek, D., by. 2014. “Der Tempel neue Kleider? Rezeptionsästhetische und semantische Aspekte von Bauornamentik im spätrepublikanischen Mittelitalien.” In Antike Bauornamentik: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Erforschung, edited by Johannes Lipps and Dominik Maschek, 181–202. Studien zur antiken Stadt 12. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag.
Nissen, Heinrich, by. 1869. Das Templum. Antiquarische Untersuchungen. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
Ghini, G., by. 2008. Guida agli antichi templi e santuari dei Castelli romani e prenestini. Gli scrigni: Guide al patrimonio storico e artistico del Lazio. Pescara, Italia: Carsa.
Yegül, F., and D. Favro, by. 2019. “Temple Architecture of Republican Rome and Italy.” In Roman Architecture and Urbanism: From the Origins to Late Antiquity, 81–111. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9780511979743.
Romeo, I., by. 1989. “Sacelli arcaici senza peristasi nella Sicilia greca.” Xenia antiqua 17:5–55.
Gros, P., by. 1976. Aurea templa: recherches sur l’architecture religieuse de Rome à l’époque d’Auguste. Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome Année 231. Rome: L’ Erma di Bretschneider.
Spawforth, A., by. 2006. The Complete Greek Temples. London; New York: Thames & Hudson.
Coulton, J.J., by. 1975. “Towards Understanding Greek Temple Design: General Considerations.” The Annual of the British School at Athens 70:59–99.
Emerson, M., by. 2018. Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction. Second edition. London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Burkert, W., by. 1988. “The Meaning and Function of the Temple in Classical Greece.” In Temple in Society, edited by Michael V. Fox, 27–47. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.