Downloading the data

Our data are on their way to being more accessible to others, but right now you can download them via a carefully crafted URI. The process (for now) is designed to work best for cURL, so the results will not look that good in the browser (no line breaks, for example), though it will work.

The URI request should look like this, where the end part in blue is optional:

If you leave off the optional part, you’ll get the entire database (just like clicking here). If you want to search on more fields, just add another filename/value pair at the end of the string with a connecting “&”. The field names must match the ones in the database, which appear at the top of every set of results, or else you’ll get an error. For a full list of the fields and what they mean, see the detailed table here. Some more interesting fields might be “name,” “id,” “city,” “country,” and “latitude.” Finally, all the values will be wrapped in wildcards for the search, so that you’ll get maximum results. For example, a request of “name=ca” will return all cases where the name has a “ca” in it, disregarding case, so Castor and Minerva Medica will both appear in the results. City and country names are in English, while names and other locations tend to be in Latin.

Individual items are also available as either CSV (with a header line) and JSON. Just take the item’s canonical URI and add “/csv/” or “/json/” to the end of it. Like this:

More capabilities coming soon!
