How the database is structured

Here’s a quick description of the various fields that are currently in the database (as of January 2020). You can use these in searches as outlined here. They also appear in the search area of the mapping page.

idUnique internal ID number, starting at 1000001 to avoid issues with leading zeroes.
nameCommon name of the temple, if any, typically in English.
dedicateeDivinity/-ies to whom the temple was dedicated, typically in English, using Roman (not Greek) version.
typeType of structure (temple, mithraeum, etc). Almost all are temples.
locationName of locale in which the temple is found, whether ancient or modern, smaller than a city or whatever is listed in ancient/modern place. For example, Campus Martius in Rome.
settingGeographical context for the structure, e.g., forum, acropolis.
modernplaceModern name for the place in which the temple was found.
ancientplaceAncient name for the place in which the temple was found.
pleiadesplacePleiades ID for the place in which the temple was found. Not to be confused with field “pleiades” which is the Pleiades entry that is the same as the database entry.
countryModern country in which the temple was found.
latitudeLatitude of the location of the temple. Right now these all presume the exact location is known, that is, there’s no indication of accuracy.
longitudeLongitude of the location of the temple. Right now these all presume the exact location is known, that is, there’s no indication of accuracy.
orientationOrientation in degrees (1-360°) of the temple, where 0/360° is north. These were mostly obtained from Google maps, though some are taken from published plans.
compassConversion of orientation into one of eight directions (N, NE, E, etc).
vowedYear of vow for the building of the temple. Mainly applies to ones in the city of Rome. Negative numbers for BCE.
dateDate (often descriptive, e.g., “early 1st c. BCE”) of the dedication/start of the temple.
startdateearlyDate for the early side of the start-date range.
startdatelateDate for the late side of the start-date range.
centuryCentury of start of temple’s use with negative number for BCE.
enddateDate for the end of temple’s use with negative number for BCE.
precededID of temple that preceded the one in question. Not much used yet.
succeededID of temple that replaced the one in question. Not much used yet.
sexSex of the divinity to whom the temple is dedicated, including “both”.
dedicationdayCalendar date for the dedication of the temple. Mainly applies to the city of Rome.
deitytypeDescription of the nature of the deity with multiple values possible. Allowed values are: god, hero, concept, city, emperor, family.
cultureCulture to which the temple belonged, broadly speaking. For example, Greek or Roman.
styleArchitectural type of the temple.
extantIs the temple still in existence, even if fragmentary?
sourceOther database or project that was the original source for this entry.
meetingsDid the Roman senate meet in the temple. Only applies to ones in the city of Rome.
notePertinent note. ID for the temple.
pleiadesPleiades ID for the temple.
dareDARE ID for the temple (defunct?).
arachneDAIR’s Arachne ID for the temple.
liviusLivius ID for the temple.
wikipediaWikipedia article for the temple.
wikidataWikidata ID for the temple.
digitalromanforumDigital Roman Forum ID for the temple.
digitalesforumromanumDigitales Forum Romanam ID for the temple.
trismegistosTrismegistos ID for the temple.
adsArcheological Data Service ID for the temple (British).
conaGetty Cultural Objects Names Authority ID for the temple.
topostextID for the temple.
slsHeritage Gazetteer of Libya ID for the temple.
urlExternal URL for the temple.
checkedWhether I looked at the evidence for the the temple to confirm its existence.
